Toy Fair 2004: JAKKS Pacific is granting wishes for Dragonball fans!JAKKS Pacific is running strong with Dragonball, and plans to keep the line strong through all of 2004! Their showroom, while not as extensive as in previous years, featured previews of many new figures, a few expected, big-ticket items, and some surprises! All of the images from JAKKS are available in our Toy Fair Gallery.
Dragonball GT series 2
Dragonball Z series 16
JAKKS is planning on releasing a new line of basic figures every two months; since DBZ series 15 is hitting stores now, expect DBGT series 2 in April, DBZ series 16 in June, etc. Other than the announced lineups and what was on display in the showroom, JAKKS as of yet is not committing to any specific figures. Both JAKKS and FUNimation are really enthusiastic about the basic figure two-packs. In the showroom, we saw the “Brother vs. Brother” assortment, which includes:
We got a first look at the new Dragons, and they both are astounding. JAKKS is producing both regular Shenlon from Dragonball Z, and Red Shenlon from Dragonball GT! Each Dragon comes with a kid Goku figure (red gi for Z, blue gi for GT), as well as seven dragonballs, for $14.99. Movie Collection JAKKS is keeping a tight lip on their planned MC figures; however, they had two new figures on display, from movie 9! The first was a new Super Saiyan Gohan figure (which I mistook for Goku on first glance), and following that is the villain from movie 9, Bojack! The Bojack on display is not a final product, and the paint applications are still being nailed down, but the sculpt is wonderful, and it was a big surprise to see him there. Chibis
TV Games JAKKS is producing a Dragonball Z TV Game!. The joystick will be shaped like Shenlon, and it will include 3games. Exclusive Figure
More Notes FUNimation has no word on the status of the Dragonball movie. Though JAKKS Pacific has the master toy license for the Dragonball anime series, that does not necessarily translate to a master toy license for any movie property. So, while it’s probable that JAKKS will do any action figures from the live-action movie, if it’s made, it’s not a done deal at this point. According to representatives, FUNimation is “always pushing for a new [Dragonball] series” from Toei. We spoke a bit about the resurgence of Dragonball in Japan, and both had already come to the conclusion that a new series is more likely in Japan than it has been for a long time, though only time will tell. When asked about the possibility of JAKKS Pacific possibly working with Bandai Japan to import some of the new Japanese Dragonball figures, representatives gave a firm “no comment.” I don’t see this as a real probability, so it’s nothing I would count on. JAKKS is really doing the Dragonball series justice by giving the fans just about everything they’ve asked for, and they’re dedicated to keeping the line going as long as they can. We, as Dragonball fans, are very well off with our master toy licensor.
Posted by Jess Horsley on February 15, 2004 08:31 PM
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