Burger King Giveaway contest winners!
Well, it’s taken me a while to delete all of the disqualifying entries (especially those by jorrell
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 31, 2000 | Jess Horsley
AB Super Guerrier Articule list finally complete!
Ah, I am happy. Thanks to good ol’ Vegeta Jr., I have finally been able to complete the AB 5 inch Super Guerrier Articule list. Each figure is numbered in order, with an image for every one. There’s one pet project I can finally put to bed. Yahoo!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 31, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Burger King contest news
As the Burger King Toy Set Giveaway entry period comes to a close, I realize, oh, have I forgotten to mention something? I believe I have, mainly because I just decided it after looking at the entries.
I asked very clearly on the entry page that people only submit 1 entry per day. Apparently, some people think that my wishes (I’m just the webmaster and contest administrator, remember) can be ignored, and submitted themselves many, many times per day—for example, a fella named jorrell decided that he could enter about a zillion times and not get noticed. Too bad. So, because I’m pretty mad about this, I’m making a new rule—anyone who entered the contest more than twice a day at any time is now disqualified. That should accomplish two things, the most important of which is that people who obeyed the rules and only submitted once a day will now have a much better chance of winning.
You don’t like it? You shouldn’t have pissed me off by ignoring the rules.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 26, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Preview of the new Irwin figure section
Hey all, I’ve been working on a layout for the new Irwin figures section, so if you want to check out the new section so far, click here. Once I get the figures, I’ll put up the box images and replace the promo pix with my own photos, but this is pretty much what it will look like.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 25, 2000 | Jess Horsley
AB additions
Ah, the last missing image from the AB Super Guerrier list is now mine. Thanks to SuperArgo for sending in the image, which you can see by going to the new Android 13 page! Rock on.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 21, 2000 | Jess Horsley
New AB Pages Added
Thanks to the recent batch of eBay auctions by yesshopfree.com (who has gratiously let me use his images), I’ve added a new batch of AB pages. First, I’ve added the AB Model Kits, and then I’ve also completely redone the AB 16 inch Super Guerriers page, to add a bunch of figures and box images. I’ve also updated the AB Toys page to reflect these changes. Enjoy.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 20, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Irwin Toy Figure Submissions
I just received the following e-mail from Kelly at Irwin Toys:
Hello there,
My name is Kelly and I work for Irwin Toy. Bret had given you my email address to post on your dragonballtoys.com site for figure suggestions. We have recieved many suggestions and we thank you. However, I can not legally reply to any of the messages sent to me because I don’t know how old these people are. Any child under the age of 13 must obtain parental permission before sending us any email.
Please thank everyone on Irwin’s behalf for all their ideas. For those who have requested images, we cannot provide these at this time, but they will be available on Irwin’s site in the Fall.
So if you are wondering why you have not received a response from Irwin about your submission, that’s why. She also requested that I remove her e-mail from the news, which I have, due to the large number of submissions and requests she was getting. So, if you still have that address, please do not send in any new figure submissions in the near future. Thanks.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 19, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Bandai SBC link
Hey all, check out Games Express (not to be confused with Express.com), for some great prices on Bandai SBC figures, including Vol. 5 Trunks and Vol. 10 Broly (do a search for “DBZ”)! Thanks to LiLJaTT86@aol.com for sending this in.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 18, 2000 | Jess Horsley
New Custom Figures
I’ve finally posted the new batch of customs, as follows:- Gohan (BK Repaint), by CLAND97
- Young Gokou, by CLAND97
- Super Saiyan 2 Gohan, by CLAND97
- Kricolo, by Hydden
They all rock, check them out!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 14, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Dragonball Z DVDs, and some new affiliate links
Click here to buy the new Ginyu Assault DVD at Amazon.comAlso, I’ve added a bunch of affilate links for Amazon.com, which I’ll also post here for your convenience. All of the figures are the Irwin releases:
- Super Battle Collection Figures
- Son Gokou
- Super Saiyan Son Gokou
- Piccolo
- Vegeta
- Vegeta
- Freezer
- Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Super Saiyan Son Gohan (Cell Saga)
- Cell
- Super Saiyan Son Gohan
- Great Saiyaman
- Son Goten
- Trunks
- Super Saiyan 3 Son Gokou
- Gotenks
- Super Saiyan Vegetto
- Vegetto
- Majin Boo
- Super Saiyan Gotenks
- Son Gokou
- Super Guerrier Figures
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 12, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Gold Hair Vol. 7 Vegeta
Here’s an interesting bit—Bandai is now releasing the Vol. 7 Vegeta with Gold Hair for the first time. Previously, Vol. 7 was released only with yellow hair in order to distinguish it from Vol. 27, but I guess they figured that by releasing a gold Vol. 7, they could milk the fans for a few more bucks (or yen, as the case may be). Anyway, here’s an image of the gold release, thanks to HeldroStar@aol.com for sending it in.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 10, 2000 | Jess Horsley
I'm outta here!
I’m heading to St. Louis for the weekend, so I won’t be responding to e-mail or anything until I get back. So if you want a message board account, please hold your request until Monday.
Nick, I’ll get the rest of the entries to you when I got back, I’ve got a few to scan. (Everyone else, yes, I’m talking about the last contest, I’m running a little behind getting the entries to Great Sage, so it will probably be the middle of next week before we decide the winner.)
Have a good weekend!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 07, 2000 | Jess Horsley
ActionAce Returns
Apparently, ActionAce is open for business again. They are taking orders, everything is back up, as far as I can see.
Personally, I find this a little aggrivating, as they didn’t bother to send out any notice to their affiliates as to what was going on, but oh well. I guess that means I’ll start putting the links back soon.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 06, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Irwin DBZ Packaging Revealed!
Click on the image to the right for a larger picture of the new packaging—this shows incredible promise for the line, as it looks like a lot of care has gone into making the new packaging look extremely cool. If you look hard enough, you can see that even the blister itself is embossed a big stylized “Z”, which looks pretty cool to me.
Another thumbs up to Irwin on this one!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 06, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Post Series 16 Irwin DBZ line-up
Some more news from Irwin Toy—Bret wasn’t able to say exactly when we should expect them, but he said the following figures are definitely in the works for Series 17 or up:
- Vegeta
- Super Saiyan Goku
- Android #17
- Android #18 (*Note: Now I can die happy! _ )
- Piccolo
- Goku
- Super Saiyan Trunks
- Super Saiyan Gohan
- Imperfect Cell
- Super Saiyan Vegeta
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 04, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Irwin Die-Cast Images, and some Surprises
Ah—the cookout was pushed back, lucky for you! Here are the images of the die cast vehicles and figures:- Vegeta’s Saiyan Capsule
- Trunks’ Time Machine
- Capsule Spaceship with Master Roshi
- Nameccian Ship with Goku
- Frieza’s Space Pod
- Bulma’s Racing Pod
And the surprise—Check out this image of the Nimbus Cloud Playset—that’s right, not only will it come with an exclusive Goku figure, but also an exclusive figure of his son Gohan!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 04, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Irwin Series 15 Images
The first installment of new images from Irwin Toy has arrived! Below are the images of Burter and Jeice from Series 15! Click on the icons for the full-size images.![]() | ![]() |
Along with these images came the images of the dies cast mini-vehicles, and a few other treats, which I will have to put up later tonight, as I am due at a 4th of July cookout in about 5 minutes. In the meantime, enjoy these images!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 04, 2000 | Jess Horsley
Anime Expo 2000 . . . No news is good news, but boring to read...
From the various reports I’ve recieved via e-mail and from those I’ve read at different DBZ sites, Anime Expo 2000 was apparently a bust as far as toys are concerned. I read another garbled version of the explanation for the “weapons” with the AB figures at Planet Namek—it would be refreshing for someone to come up and say, “Yup, it was my fault” instead of everyone shoving around blame to others (Irwin blaming AB and Toei, FUNI blaming Irwin, etc.). However, there were apparently no finished versions of the new toys on display, which was what I had been hoping for. Oh well.
BTW—Still waiting on the new pix from Irwin, I expect them tomorrow, hopefully we won’t be disappointed.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | July 03, 2000 | Jess Horsley
No, really, that's enough...
Folks, I swear to (insert your favorite deity here) that as soon as I get the pix of the new figures from Irwin, I’ll put them up. Despite what you may think, I’m not holding them—I haven’t gotten them yet, which, it’s not hard to understand, is out of my control. I’ll put up the pix as soon as I get them, which will probably be around Tuesday because of the holiday. In the meantime, quit e-mailing me asking me where they are, please!