Bandai Super-Articulated DBZ Figures - Images!

Explosion Toys, the only place where you can pre-order the new Bandai super-articulated Dragonball Z figures, has sent us images of the whole set!
As of this moment, the assortment includes the following Saiyans:
- Gohan
- Goku
- Super Saiyan Goku
- Super Saiyan 3 Goku
- Super Saiyan Gogeta
- Vegeta
- Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Vegito
- Super Saiyan Vegito
Of course, we’ll be posting more information about these figures as it becomes available. Will Bandai be making a non-Saiyan series of these figures? Hopefully we’ll know soon.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 26, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Small Vehicles Series 4 by Jakks Pacific!

According to the pictures of the Z store catalog, Jakks is scheduled to release a forth set of small vehicles this summer. The set includes two different vehicles as the previous sets, and comes with an exclusive action figure.
The assortment showed to have:
- Capsule Corp. Plane #991 with a reissued Striking Z Fighter Series 2 Krillin
- Mr.Satan’s Car with a reissued Series 8 S.S.Gohan
The Mr.Satan’s car looks to be the same one released by AB for European distribution. And showing by the picture, the number 666 remains imprinted on the car.
Check out these and other toy pictures in the Summer 2003 Z-Store Catalog.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 22, 2003 |
Images up for JAKKS Series 12 Tien and SZF4 Tien!
I’m extremely impressed with both of the Tien figures JAKKS has just released — mainly because they are both original molds! Check out more of Series 12 Tien and Striking Z Fighter Tien.Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 20, 2003 | Jess Horsley
ToyWiz sale - 10% off everything! has just announced a 10% off sale that applies to everything in the store. That’s a sale even Scrooge MacDuck would love!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 19, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Explosion Toys taking preorders on the new Bandai DBZ figures
Explosion Toys is taking preorders on the new Bandai DBZ figures that have been showing up recently at japanese toy shows. They’re listed with an August/September release date. They’re listed as 5 inches with the Explostion Toys price of $14.99 each.
They also have a nice clear close up pic of the Goku figure with other pics sure to come. The entire listing can be found here.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 19, 2003 |
New JAKKS Dragonball Z Images!

JAKKS Pacific has just released images for many of their upcoming Dragonball Z figures!
Dragonball Z Basic Figures Series 13 ($6.99):
DBZ Playsets:
- Absorbing Buu Playset - $24.99
- Tenkaichi Budokai Playset $39.99
DBZ Basic Figure 2-packs ($12.99 - Summer 2003):
Concerning the two packs — at Toyfair, we were told that these were going to be original molds, so these images may be mock-ups, or they may be the real thing. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.
UPDATE: Apparently, the two-packs will be made up of combinations of new and older molds. Once I get a breakdown on the makeup of the packs, I’ll post it.
Comments (1) | Bookmark this entry | June 19, 2003 | Jess Horsley
More DBZ images from Tokyo
Hobbylink Japan has posted a gallery of images from the Tokyo Toy Fair, including some of the new Dragonball items. In addition to the figures we’ve already seen, they also have images of some smaller painted and unpainted figures that are ¥¥ very nice ¥¥.
[You might also go to page 8 for the Transformer coverage. We will finally know that God truly loves the world when Takara finally releases Hound and Sunstreaker reissues.]
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 18, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Redesigning in public, again
We’re doing a quick redesign of the website, mainly in the interests of cleaning up the CSS, and doing away with some of the hacked layout elements that didn’t work in some browsers. You may have to clear you cache and reload before you see the changes; look for the rest of the site to catch up over the course of the week.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 16, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Gobs of Release Dates
The GameStop database has recently been flooded with new Dragonball-related release dates, and luckily I am here to share them with you all. Following will be a list of the item, it’s release date, and GameStop’s projected price for it!
Video Games
- Dragonball Z Legacy of Goku 2 (GBA) - 6/18/03 - {$29.99}
- Dragonball Z Taiketsu (GBA) - 10/16/03 - {$29.99}
- Dragonball Z Budokai (CUBE) - 10/29/03 - {$29.99}
- Dragonball Z Budokai 2 (PS2) - 12/10/03 - {$49.99}
- DBGT Baby Preparation - 7/16/03 - {$19.99}
- DBGT Baby Ramifications - 7/16/03 - {$19.99}
- DB Piccolo Jr. Saga Part 1 - 7/16/03 - {$32.99}
- DBZ Majin Buu Saga Box Set - 7/30/03 - {$79.99}
- DB Piccolo Jr. Saga Part 2 - 8/20/03 - {$32.99}
- DBZ Movie 8 Legendary Super Saiyan - 8/27/03 - {$19.99}
- DBZ Fusion Saga Box Set - 9/17/03 - {$79.99}
- DB General Blue Saga - 9/24/03 - {$32.99}
- DBZ Deluxe Series 4 - 7/10/03 - {$12.99}
- DBZ Movie Collection Series 4 - 7/10/03 - {$14.99}
- DBZ Series 13 - August - {$7.99}
- DBZ Series 14 - 9/30/03 - {$7.99}
There ya go! Please keep in mind dates and prices are subject to change, but usually ours are quite accurate. If you want to join in on a discussion about these dates, feel free to join our message boards and visit the topic titled “The Bobcat Report.” Also, in case you haven’t noticed DBZ Striking Z Fighters Series 4 has been released and are $8.99 at GameStop.
I’ll make sure to keep you updated on any other changes.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 15, 2003 |
New Bandai SBC Reissues Have Arrived!
Current ebay seller happyanime has the following SBCs for sale using the new paint style:
- Vol.29 Trunks and Gill
- Vol.30 Super Saiyan Son Gokou
- Vol.31 Super Saiyan Trunks
- Vol.32 Super Saiyan 3 Son Gokou
- Vol.33 Vegeta and Baby
- Vol.35 Super Saiyan Son Gohan and Goten
These figures now join the ranks of the already reissued Vols. 00, 1, 2, 17, 24, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42. If you are a fan of the new paint style, or are a variant collector, these figures are a MUST HAVE.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 11, 2003 |
Giant Ape Series 4!
Images of the new Giant Ape (formerly IF Labs) DBZ Movie Collection Series 4 figures have been posted at Funimation’s Z-Store! The set includes:
They each come with some sort of accesory. Super Android 13 even comes with his giant death ball! This is great news, and a prelude to the mass relase of Giant Ape Series 3 and 4 coming up very soon!
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 10, 2003 |
The Tokyo Toy Show is going on right now, and there’s a big surprise in store for Dragonball fans!
Bandai has a new set of Dragonball Z figures on display! From the pictures, it looks like these figures are going to be super-articulated, in the truly super sense of the word. As displayed, the figures have at least 14 points of articulation!
The assortment on display at the Tokyo Toy Fair includes at least Goku, Gohan, SS Gogeta, SS Vegeta, SS Vegetto and SS3 Goku!
Check out the images here, and check out all of the Tokyo Toy Fair coverage from!
And, check out more images here (thanks to Emerje for the link).
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 10, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Dragonball Z: Taiketsu
Atari has just released information about Dragonball Z: Taiketsu for the Gameboy Advance. Taiketsu will be a fighting genre game and support multiplayer options (apparently it is set up so there will be two human players and two computer players). The characters that players can choose from are Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Frieza, Cell, and Buu. The only two confirmed places to fight at are Orange Star City and Roshi’s Island. The developer of Taiketsu is Webfoot Technologies. Gen Fukunaga, president of Funimation, stated that he is pleased to be working with Atari once again because they really know how to bring the action of DBZ to fans.
Comments (2) | Bookmark this entry | June 10, 2003 |
Bandai Bottlecap Figures Series 2
Thanks go to ChibiChiChi of our message forums for finding the information and picture for this newest set. This line has some awesome scenes from the Dragonball series that include the following characters:
- Teen Son Goku
- Bulma and Young Goku on Airbike
- Goku and Krillin in thier formal suits and hats
- Bulma with machine gun
- Master Roshi in formal suit and hat
- Launch on one wheeled bike
- Chaotzu
- Upa at the base of Korin Tower
- Fortune teller Baba
- Mister Popo
- Commander Red and Assistant Commander Black
- Old Piccolo Daimaoh on throne
- Oozaru Goku
The special figure appears to be Goku riding on Shenron from the shape of the silhouette. There is also some other interesting new figures that ChibiChiChi has discovered. Check the pictures out and discuss these new figures in this topic.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 06, 2003 |
Toynami Summer Exclusive - SS Future Trunks!

Toynami has prepared a full meal’s worth of exclusives for the summer convention season! At the Toynami booth at the San Diego Comic Con and Wizard World Chicago, you’ll be able to find the following a Dragonball Z Future Trunks I-Men Mini-Figure, limited to 3,000 pieces! This exclusive DBZ figure will only be available at the summer conventions, so don’t miss out!
Other summer exclusives from Toynami include:
Robotech (Limited to 2,000 pieces)
- Alpha Fighter Super-Poseable Action Figure
- Scott Bernard’s VFA-6H (Metallic Blue redeco)
Thundarr the Barbarian
- Thundarr Action Figure with Glow-in-the-Dark Sword (Limited to 1,000 pieces - Individually Numbered)
Also available at the Toynami booth will be two convention-exclusive variants from HyperChild’s THE DEVIANTS action-vinyl figures:
- Shadow Assault Bodycount
- Nightmare Camo Slaughterhouse
Each of the DEVIANTS exclusives is limited to 250 pieces.
Comments (0) | Bookmark this entry | June 04, 2003 | Jess Horsley
Check out our new sponsor - Explosion Toys!
Explosion Toys has a long standing presence on the web as one of the best soures for hard-to-find import anime toys, as well as American toys and merchandise. Check out what they have to offer!