Live coverage of the UK ToyFair 2004 brings you live coverage of the 2004 UK ToyFair!
Bookmark this entry | January 30, 2004 | Jess Horsley
Dragonball GT - Shadow Dragon Saga
A first look at the upcoming Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga is now available at!
Also available is the trailer for Evolution and Revolution, in three bandwidth flavors:
Bookmark this entry | January 16, 2004 | Jess Horsley
New Action Online site - Superhero Times!
Superhero Times is the new resource for comic-related collectibles from Action Online! If you’re a fan of comic book heroes and villains, you’ve got a new place to go for the latest information on action figures, statues and busts, and other collectibles!
I’m heading up this new site, and I hope that any of you Dragonball fans who also love comics will check it out, and help me make it a success. So, if any of you out there have the inside scoop, don’t hesitate to send it in. We’re looking for dedicated contributing authors, and now is your chance to get in on the ground floor, and help us make Superhero Times the source for comic collectibles.
Check out the new site here!
Bookmark this entry | January 16, 2004 | Jess Horsley
New Bandai Dragonball Z gashapons
Bandai Asia has revealed some new Dragonball gashapons on their website. The new series, entitled “HG DRAGONBALL IMAGINATION FIGURE P-2”, is the second series of “Imagination Figures”, and should be available from importers later this month.
The series includes Goten on a dinosaur, SS3 Goku, SS Gotenks with Kamikaze Ghosts, Piccolo and young Gohan, and Great Saiyaman and Videl.
Each figure is approximately 3 inches tall, and has limited articulation if any. Each figure is 300 Yen, so the set of 5 should retail for around $30 in the US.Bookmark this entry | January 12, 2004 | Jess Horsley
JAKKS DBGT SS4 Goku - images
JAKKS Pacific’s first round of Dragonball GT figures are finally arriving in stores, after being revealed at last year’s pre-toy fair show.
Super Saiyan 4 Goku is the most elaborate of the series, with 15 points of articulation (including his tail), heavily detailed, sculpted fur, and well-done paint washes which bring out said detail. It’s a bit bulkier than the old Bandai version, but so are all of JAKKS Dragonball figures.
There are 14 shots of this figure, including packaging, here. Enjoy.
Also, advertised on the back of the card is a new DBZ two-pack series, “Ultimate Struggles”, made up of some new molds, including SS2 Trunks and SS Vegeta, Cell Form 2 and Battle Damaged Piccolo, & Battle Damaged SS Goku and Battle Damaged Frieza.
Bookmark this entry | January 11, 2004 | Jess Horsley
Bandai Ultimate Figure Series - New Pictures!
Saiyan from the DBT Message Boards has taken photos of the entire Bandai Ultimate Figure Series. If you’re still not sure about the value of these figures, these photos ought to convince you:
- Vol 3. Vegetto
- Vol 4. Super Saiyan Son Goku
- Vol 5. Super Saiyan Vegeta
- Vol 6. Super Saiyan Vegetto
- Vol 7. Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku
- Vol 8. Son Gohan
- Vol 9. Super Saiyan Gogeta
Thanks again to Saiyan for allowing us to use his images in our figure archives.
Bookmark this entry | January 05, 2004 | Jess Horsley
JAKKS Dragonball GT figures are hitting stores!
Reports are coming in on our message boards of sightings of JAKKS Pacific’s new Dragonball GT figures in stores. Apparently, they were found at a Media Play store, which means that all stores in the Sam Goody chain (Suncoast, Musicland, etc.) should be getting them soon.
Remember, series 1 includes Goku, Pan, Trunks, General Rilldo, and SS4 Goku.
Got a comment? Check out the Dragonball GT figures thread on our message boards.
Bookmark this entry | January 02, 2004 | Jess Horsley
Server issues - bear with us
DBT had a catastrophic server failure yesterday. We’re working to restore all functionality, but as of right now, the message boards are down, and there are some other problems throughout the site. Bear with us as we try to find time on this holiday to fix the problems.
UPDATE - The issues with UBB are fixed, as far as I can tell. The message boards should be back to normal now.